Raft Treasury

What is a multisignature (multisig) wallet?

A multisignature ("multisig") wallet is a digital asset wallet that requires more than 1 private key to sign a transaction before it can be executed. A multisig is a safer and more secure way to safeguard the assets held within the wallet as it reduces the single point of failure risk of the assets within the wallet being compromised.

Who are the multisig signers for the Raft treasury?

A 3/5 multisig wallet controls the Raft treasury assets. This means 3 out of the 5 signers are required to sign a transaction for it to be executed.

What are the obligations of multisig signers?

  • To execute the decisions of the $RAFT governance token holders

  • To maintain personal data security to avoid it being compromized

  • To be regularly available to execute/confirm transactions as required

What is the election process for multisig signers?

Multisig signers can be removed/changed through the Raft governance voting process.

Raft Treasury Addresses

Ethereum Mainnet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x1046BE559A736dca32C55026165902916e406343

Last updated