Raft Recovery Plan: Claim your DAI

After substantial feedback from the Raft community, the Raft Recovery Plan has been finalized, resulting in a 42% recovery rate. This guide is for all the affected users who were included in the Raft Recovery Plan to claim their DAI.

Follow the steps below to claim your recovery.


Fund Your Wallet

Make sure you have enough ETH in your wallet to pay for gas. You will need it to pay for the gas fee to claim.

Claim Your DAI

Once you have some ETH in your wallet, it's time to claim your DAI.

Retrieve the metadata for the Merkle proof by visiting the URL below and searching for your wallet address.


Your metadata for the Merkle proof should look something like this:

"0x31F048c427544b40Dea9b63E26749C925Bf5D931": {

"index": "185",

"account": "0x31F048c427544b40Dea9b63E26749C925Bf5D931",

"amount": "236070000000000000000",

"merkleProof": "0xa03113b789d62f5fbdee2178a837babae4b3ffaf261a2fb209e4074ba08990e2,0x3d7facd5acaea613b6457b929ac5f38f0678c172f6451cd8cd161f4110c95764,0x3fdabb605778067393137aa6d845f0f1a470e98a597b95bbab9269e58b8671b4,0x2a56cf83aa0f078322b00c7353fb54c8f336b41cdde7ea706c430851a96effe3,0xbe3af489eaf5c255adec5e5e2d5aea82df554686b417745ece508f6edb4f94c2,0x5ecc24a7f41648376d1639db08415cfbe7e8beab49de9a203ab29c73256ddd5a,0xb19390b0138fee53b6c93024ad4a8d9b2c4fdfecebde59932ea6973bf18cc4da,0x10b0b2ac4e7b2c7d92f5fb90ddf4dfb13f4b6968a45853a823754d74cc6b94b6,0x43b358c1150efdb45404ade46fb71127fea921b902572aa4e6739b61fbe0f277,0x43b2dcdd0cb203afbadf27be17e21cc0efef680da1d85b7ec71e553283ce755d"


Now, go to: https://etherscan.io/address/0x87197f7e3cdb81b0ae875701673b5a33e0243da8

On Etherscan, select Contract and then click on Write Contract.

Click Connect to Web3 and connect your preferred wallet (e.g. MetaMask).

Click Claim and fill in the metadata you found above.

Remove all the quotes (") from the merkleProof field.


In the example above, the fields would be:

index: 185 (from metadata)

account: 0x31F048c427544b40Dea9b63E26749C925Bf5D931 (your wallet)

amount: 236070000000000000000 (from metadata)

merkleProof: (from metadata)


Click Write and submit the transaction. Once the transaction is completed, the DAI will be in your wallet.

If you have any questions, please open a ticket on the Raft Discord server.

Last updated