



The act of achieving a riskless profit

Capital efficiency

The degree to which the capital invested is able to generate income


An asset used as a guarantee against insolvency to borrow another one

Collateral amount

The number of tokens posted as collateral

Collateralization ratio

The ratio between the dollar value of the asset posted as collateral and the dollar value of the borrowed asset

Debt amount

The number of borrowed tokens

Hard peg

A mechanism that allows users to restore the peg by exchanging the pegged asset with its underlying backing asset

Flash mint

A token that is minted and repaid in one block


A method through which a user manages more money that what initially committed by taking debt

Leverage APR (OSL)

The resulting APR is based on your collateral deposit and target leverage.

Liquidation price

If the oracle price of the contract reaches below the liquidation price, your position will be liquidated.


LSDs (Liquid Staking Derivatives) are tokens issued by liquid staking platforms. They are also known as liquid staking tokens.


The party in charge of providing real-time prices of assets sourced from different exchanges


A rule that imposes the value of an asset to be equal or anchored to the value of another asset


The creation of a debt originated by a borrower minting an asset from a protocol against another asset posted as collateral for the debt

Price impact

Price impact is the difference between the quoted market price and the final price of the trade. This is impacted by the liquidity in the specific trading pair.


The act of burning a token to repossess the underlying collateral asset

Soft peg

A mechanism that encourages users to restore the peg through an incentivizing mechanism design

Total cost (OSL)

The total costs for the One-step leverage transaction, including flash mint fee, borrowing fee, swap fee and price impact.


The act of creating a new token which holds another token as underlying asset


NameWhat do they do?


They achieve a riskless profit by executing transactions that help restoring the stablecoin peg


They borrow stablecoins made available from the protocol


They repay borrowers’ debt and retain a portion of their collateral


It provides users the ability to mint stablecoins against an asset used as collateral


They burn the stablecoins they hold to repossess other borrowers' underlying collateral asset


They close their outstanding Position to estinguish their debt and repossess their underlying collateral asset

Last updated